How to Start a Restaurant in NYC (Successfully)
Everything you need to know about how to start a restaurant in New York City.
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All Categories Email & SMS Food Safety & Training Ghost Kitchens Growth & Marketing Interviews & Case Studies Loyalty Programs Ordering & Delivery POS Systems Profitability & Cost Control Restaurant Software Scheduling Staffing Technology & Innovation Tools & Templates Trends & Innovation Website BuildersHow to Start a Restaurant in NYC (Successfully)
by Back of House Team
Everything you need to know about how to start a restaurant in New York City.
How to Decide Whether You Should Hire a PR Agency for Your Restaurant
by Back of House Team
Your restaurant has a story to tell. A publicist works to get the media to bring it to the world.
How to Maintain Your Restaurant Air Conditioning & Ventilation During COVID
by Back of House Team
The pandemic has made clean air a paramount concern in restaurants. Here's how to price, maintain, and support this critical system, now and into the future.
How to Get the Most out of Facebook Ads for Restaurants
by Back of House Team
How to get started creating and running Facebook ad campaigns for your restaurant.
How to Add Online Ordering to a Restaurant Website
by Back of House Team
Curious about how to add online ordering to a restaurant website? You’re in luck — here’s a helpful guide to streamline the process and increase revenue.
How to Calculate Food Cost for Your Restaurant: Percentages & Formulas
by Back of House Team
A complete guide on how to calculate restaurant food costs and why it’s so important for independent restaurant owners and operators to track.
How to Create a Successful Event Series at Your Restaurant
by Back of House Team
Restaurant events can boost revenue on slower nights, build customer loyalty, attract new guests, and increase brand awareness. We break down how to make sure your event planning efforts are a success.
How to Execute Restaurant Food Inventory Management Right
by Back of House Team
Tracking inventory is essential to running a restaurant. Here’s everything you need to know about how to do restaurant food inventory management the right way.
A Guide to Restaurant Inventory Management & Purchasing Software
by Back of House Team
An introduction to how your restaurant can use technology to streamline the way you buy and track inventory
The Best Restaurant Website Builders for 2023
by Back of House Team
Choose delivery platforms, POS systems, and more of the best restaurant technology out there with advice from our community of independent restaurateurs.
How to Step-up Your Restaurant Takeout Experience, According to a Carryout Critic
by Back of House Team
We asked Washington City Paper’s “carryout critic” Crystal Fernanders on how restaurants can create a better takeout experience.
7 Ways to Reduce or Control Noise in a Restaurant
by Back of House Team
Strike an auditory balance between deafening and dead.