5 Benefits of Mobile Payments for Restaurants
Is it worth exploring the benefits of mobile payment in restaurants? Our team of experts says yes.
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All Categories Email & SMS Food Safety & Training Ghost Kitchens Growth & Marketing Interviews & Case Studies Loyalty Programs Ordering & Delivery POS Systems Profitability & Cost Control Restaurant Software Scheduling Staffing Technology & Innovation Tools & Templates Trends & Innovation Website Builders5 Benefits of Mobile Payments for Restaurants
by Dave Tomar
Is it worth exploring the benefits of mobile payment in restaurants? Our team of experts says yes.
5 Customer Loyalty Marketing Strategies to Keep Customers Engaged
by Dave Tomar
Here are 5 customer loyalty programs for restaurants that can improve restaurant marketing efforts and increase profitability.
How to Get the Most out of Facebook Ads for Restaurants
by Back of House Team
How to get started creating and running Facebook ad campaigns for your restaurant.
How to Add Online Ordering to a Restaurant Website
by Back of House Team
Curious about how to add online ordering to a restaurant website? You’re in luck — here’s a helpful guide to streamline the process and increase revenue.
How to Choose a Restaurant Location That Maximizes Profits
by Grace Dickinson
Location plays a central role in nearly any restaurant business plan. We break down what to weigh when choosing a restaurant location.
How to Create a Successful Event Series at Your Restaurant
by Back of House Team
Restaurant events can boost revenue on slower nights, build customer loyalty, attract new guests, and increase brand awareness. We break down how to make sure your event planning efforts are a success.
How On-Demand Staffing Apps Are Helping Restaurants Fill Scheduling Gaps
by Grace Dickinson
As many restaurants remain understaffed, some are turning to on-demand hiring apps to fill open shifts. We breakdown how they work.
How to Execute Restaurant Food Inventory Management Right
by Back of House Team
Tracking inventory is essential to running a restaurant. Here’s everything you need to know about how to do restaurant food inventory management the right way.
How to Ask for and Apply Customer Feedback at Your Restaurant
by Liz Newman
Customers have more ways to register their opinions than ever. Here's how to make sure you're getting useful information when they have something to say.
How to Navigate and Negotiate Contracts with Third-Party Food Delivery Platforms
by Grace Dickinson
A look at some of the major areas to look out for before signing a partnership agreement with a third party delivery platform
How to Step Up Your Marketing Strategy with Customer Birthday Promotions
by Grace Dickinson
Birthday email promotions are an important part of restaurants’ marketing strategy. We break down how to make your campaigns more effective.
How to Launch a Customer Membership or Subscription Service at Your Restaurant
by Grace Dickinson
A growing number of restaurants are creating subscription-based offerings that lock in customers. Here's how to start your own membership program.