What's the Future of QR Codes in Restaurants?
Why QR codes are likely to become a permanent, but not universal, fixture of the restaurant industry...
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All Categories Email & SMS Food Safety & Training Ghost Kitchens Growth & Marketing Interviews & Case Studies Loyalty Programs Ordering & Delivery POS Systems Profitability & Cost Control Restaurant Software Scheduling Staffing Technology & Innovation Tools & Templates Trends & Innovation Website BuildersWhat's the Future of QR Codes in Restaurants?
by Grace Dickinson
Why QR codes are likely to become a permanent, but not universal, fixture of the restaurant industry...
Lyft and Olo Partner on Restaurant Delivery: Here's What It Means
by Back of House Team
Rideshare giant Lyft is partnering with Olo to offer restaurant delivery. We dig into what it means.
3 Keys to Running a Successful Ghost Kitchen, According to GhostU
by Grace Dickinson
John Meyer of GhostU, a Masterclass-style ghost kitchen learning program, shares how to build a profitable virtual restaurant.
Off-Premise Optimized: How Restaurants Can Use Tech to Improve Sales
by Back of House Team
A pandemic-focused guide to creating and optimizing off-premise revenue for independent restaurant operators.
Beyond Delivery: Are You Missing Out on These DoorDash Features?
by Grace Dickinson
DoorDash has expanded beyond an online ordering and delivery platform. We take a look at some of the platform's additional offerings for restaurant operators.