Consult Case Studies
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HR & Staffing
Parky’s SmokeHouse
Navigating labor challenges by learning about robotic solutions as well as maximizing platform usage to reduce cost and increase staff efficiency.

Ghost Kitchens
Timeout Plus Sports Bar
Back of House provides practical guidance on how to set up, launch, and run a Ghost Kitchen.

Website Builders
Cleo's Southern Cuisine
When Cleo’s Southern Cuisine needed a website upgrade to support its rapid growth, Square seamlessly integrated with their Square POS system to boost their sales by 30%.

Inventory & Recipe
Uptown Catering
Uptown Catering needed a scalable inventory solution, Back of House helped them implement Craftable, streamlining operations and improving efficiency as they managed rapid growth.

Website Builders
Loughmiller's Pub
Loughmiller’s Pub needed a modern, user-friendly website, they chose Sociavore, transforming their online presence and improving customer engagement.

Dee’s Pizza Pad
Dee’s Pizza Pad needed an AI solution to manage high phone order volumes, Back of House helped them choose, streamlining operations and reducing staffing needs.