Elevating Inventory Management for Uptown Catering


Growing Pains Bring Technology Challenges

Daniel Kebort, the owner of Uptown Catering, experienced remarkable growth after securing a major contract to provide grab-and-go sandwiches for Houston Airport. His revenue rocketed sevenfold in the first year of the contract.

Managing this new contract, alongside their full-service catering operations, proved challenging for Daniel, who didn’t have the right systems in place to sustain this exponential growth, since the team had been using Excel to manage inventory. When Daniel brought on a general manager to oversee operations, the task of streamlining inventory management became his problem to solve.

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Expert Guidance and Modern Tools

Daniel and his GM turned to Back of House consultant Dan Durkin to help tackle the growing complexity of their inventory management problem. Dan was able to source, vet, and conduct demos of inventory management solutions for the Uptown Catering team. Dan’s potential solutions for them included Gordon Restaurant Pro, MarketMan, and Craftable. 

"The Uptown Catering team was particularly interested in features like real-time ingredient price tracking," said Dan. "This would allow them to have greater control over the entire process and help them make smarter choices about where they're spending their money." 


Streamlined Operations

After evaluating the options, Daniel and his GM selected Craftable for its user-friendly interface and the robust features tailored to their needs. With Craftable in place, Uptown Catering now has a reliable automated system to efficiently manage its expanding inventory. This transition has empowered the GM to streamline operations, improve efficiencies, and focus on driving growth, all while ensuring accuracy and consistency in inventory management.

"The whole team was so excited to have an automated system in place,” says Dan. “It's amazing what a game-changer it can be for your business when you have the right technology in place!"

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